Leadership & Service
My desire to improve my department, build community, and support other’s growth drives my decision to participate in leadership & service opportunities.
Chemistry Graduate Student Teachers (CGST) Co-Founder:
- Co-Founded a teaching community within the Northwestern University Chemistry Department
- Organize lunch discussions of STEM education literature
- Build connections between students, faculty, and staff to improve undergraduate education
Graduate Liaison Committee (GLC) Treasurer:
- Organize and lead meetings between multiple organizations and department stakeholders
- Design and implement communication protocols between organizations
- Develop an organizational constitution/mission statement
- Create and manage budget proposals Collect, analyze, and disseminate department survey data
- Present survey conclusions, and advocate for departmental policy changes, to faculty on behalf of the student body
- Plan and host professional development and community-building events
Chemistry Teaching Assistant Training Program
- Organize and facilitate graduate student volunteer for multi-week TA training program
- Collaborate with department faculty and education experts to design effective training workshops
- Implement changes to the training program based on quantitative and qualitative data from past participants
CIRTL Learning Community leader
CIRTL Steering Committee
Additional service to department
- Panelist (orienting new students and preparing younger students for program milestones)
- ChemUnity Mentor